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Ambit Energy’s Coronavirus Support and Safety Measures

Posted by: Javier Vilchis | 03/16/2020 at 04:44 PM

The health and well-being of our Ambit family, Customers, Consultants and employees, is always our primary concern. To view Ambit’s response to COVID-19, please visit our COVID-19 Resource Page at

We encourage our entire Ambit Family to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines as well as federal and state regulations for the prevention of coronavirus and other diseases:

  • Stay Home – Practice social distancing. Take walks outside or enjoy activities at home, whether it’s streaming a good movie, a night of board games, doing some early spring cleaning, etc.
  • Practice good Hygiene - Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Do not shake hands and do not touch your face. Cover your mouth or nose when coughing or sneezing. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your home daily.
  • Avoid Contact – If you do have to venture into your community for work qualified as essential or to visit the grocery store or pharmacy, be sure to put at least a 6-foot distance between yourself and other people.
  • Protect Yourself and Others - If you feel unwell, if you have a sick family member in your household or you may have been exposed to someone who is sick, stay home and isolated.

  • We know this global health crisis has caused great concern, anxiety and inconvenience, and your Ambit family is here to help. We thank you for your continued support and for your business as we work together to face this challenge.

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